
How to Prep for Red Light Therapy at Home for Maximum Skin Benefits

Using near-infrared light to promote healing and regeneration, red light therapy at home provides a host of skin benefits including acne, psoriasis, wrinkles, and sun damage. However, to fully reap the benefits of red light for the skin, proper preparation is important. The Rojo UK team will guide you through crucial steps to be taken before and after red light therapy, so as to maximise its skin benefits.

Quick Overview of How Red Light Therapy at Home Works on The Skin

Red light therapy uses specific wavelengths of red and near-infrared light that penetrate the skin’s layers. Upon absorption, these specialised light wavelengths stimulate cell energy production which fosters cellular regeneration. This process aids in collagen production, cell repair, and better blood circulation - leading to a more youthful and brighter complexion.

Skin Preparation Before Red Light Therapy

Use the Right Skincare Products

Most of the preparation for red light therapy involves nourishing the skin with skincare products consistently, as an adapted routine before the treatment itself. The right products can make the skin more pliable and receptive to the benefits of light therapy. 

Some of the best products to use are salicylic acids, BHAs, and retinol. These ingredients generally help moisturise, exfoliate, clear clogged pores, and encourage healthy cell growth. 

Anti-ageing skincare products containing peptides, retinol, vitamin C, or argan oil are also highly recommended to accelerate the anti-ageing benefits of red light therapy. These products can help moisturise the skin and encourage the production of elastin and collagen, two vital components that keep the skin strong and healthy. 

Cleanse and Exfoliate the Skin

Dead skin cells on the epidermis can prevent the skin from absorbing nourishing ingredients from skincare products. This affects the flexibility, strength, and collagen production of your skin before the treatment. A lack of exfoliation can also mean another barrier for red light to penetrate - making it a worthwhile consideration to use gentle exfoliants, such as BHAs and AHAs, to remove dead skin cells and gunk on the skin. On the other end of this spectrum, you should avoid using aggressive exfoliants to avoid excessive irritation to the skin’s naturally protective barrier of oils and healthy dermis.

Don’t Wear Sunscreen

Sunscreen is one of the most important parts of many people’s skincare routines, however, before undergoing red light therapy, it’s best to avoid applying it. This product is designed to block ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) light, and can also hamper the red and near-infrared lights used in red light therapy. To ensure the skin receives the full strength of the treatment, remove any sunscreen or makeup infused with sunscreen beforehand. 

Post-Treatment Skin Care

Start with Lightweight Skincare Products

After the treatment, apply skincare as usual but start with lightweight products such as serums and eye creams. These contain active ingredients that are more readily absorbed by the skin. Follow-up with moisturisers to seal in moisture and active ingredients which help enhance the skin’s elasticity and texture. 

Maintain Your Usual Routine Alongside Red Light Therapy At Home

Red light therapy offers plenty of skin benefits, however, it’s not a singular solution. Maintaining a skincare routine that works specifically for your skin type is still essential to complement the treatment and maximise the effects of both skin care methods. 

Enjoy Skin Benefits with ROJO’s Red Light Therapy Panels

At ROJO Light Therapy, we provide tried and tested red light therapy panels for home use. If you’re looking to add red light therapy into your wellness routine, browse our collection of Low-EMF/ELF and Flicker-Free RLT devices. If you have more questions or inquiries, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for a chat. 

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Disclaimer: All ROJO light therapy products are considered low risk and designed for general health and wellbeing, they are not intended to cure or prevent specific medical conditions, diseases, or prescribe any course of action. The content on this website is for informational or educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals. Before using our products, a health professional should be consulted, we are not medical professionals, so please contact your GP or health practitioner for medical advice.
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